Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Splunk Technology Add-on (TA) Creation Script

By Tony Lee


If you develop a Splunk application, at some point you may find yourself needing a Technology Add-on (TA) to accompany the app. Essentially, the TA utilizes much of the app's files, except for the user interface (UI/views). TA's are typically installed on indexers and heavy forwarders to process incoming data. Splunk briefly covers the difference between as app and an add-on in the link below:

Maintaining two codebases can be time consuming though. Instead, it is possible to develop one application and extract the necessary components to build a TA. There may be other solutions such as the Splunk Add-on Builder ( , but I found this script below to be one of the easiest methods.


This could be written in any language, however my development environment is Linux-based. The quickest and easiest solution was to write the script using bash. Feel free to translate it to another language if needed though.


Usage is simple.  Just supply the name of the application and it will create the TA from the existing app.

The app should be located here (if not, change the APP_HOME variable in the script):


Copy and paste the bash shell script ( below to the /tmp directory and make it executable:

chmod +x /tmp/

Then run the script from the tmp directory and supply the application name: <AppName>

Ex: cylance_protect

Once complete, the TA will be located here:  /tmp/TA-<AppName>.spl


# Create-TA
# anlee2 - at -
# TA Creation tool written in bash
# Input:  App name   (ex: cylance_protect)
# Output: /tmp/TA-<app name>.spl

# Path to the Splunk app home.  Change if this is not accurate.

##### Function Usage #####
# Prints usage statement
echo "TA-Create v1.0
Usage: <App name>

  -h = help menu

Please report bugs to"

# Detect the absence of command line parameters.  If the user did not specify any, print usage statement
[[ $# -eq 0 || $1 == "-h" ]] && { Usage; exit 0; }

# Set the app name and TA name based on user input

echo -e "\nApp name is:  $APP_NAME\n"

echo -e "Creating directory structure under /tmp/$TA_NAME\n"
mkdir -p /tmp/$TA_NAME/default /tmp/$TA_NAME/metadata /tmp/$TA_NAME/lookups /tmp/$TA_NAME/static /tmp/$TA_NAME/appserver/static

echo -e "Copying files...\n"
cp $APP_HOME/$APP_NAME/default/eventtypes.conf /tmp/$TA_NAME/default/ 2>/dev/null
cp $APP_HOME/$APP_NAME/default/app.conf /tmp/$TA_NAME/default/ 2>/dev/null
cp $APP_HOME/$APP_NAME/default/props.conf /tmp/$TA_NAME/default/ 2>/dev/null
cp $APP_HOME/$APP_NAME/default/tags.conf /tmp/$TA_NAME/default/ 2>/dev/null
cp $APP_HOME/$APP_NAME/default/transforms.conf /tmp/$TA_NAME/default/ 2>/dev/null
cp $APP_HOME/$APP_NAME/static/appIcon.png  /tmp/$TA_NAME/static/appicon.png 2>/dev/null
cp $APP_HOME/$APP_NAME/static/appIcon.png  /tmp/$TA_NAME/appserver/static/appicon.png 2>/dev/null
cp $APP_HOME/$APP_NAME/README /tmp/$TA_NAME/ 2>/dev/null
cp $APP_HOME/$APP_NAME/lookups/* /tmp/$TA_NAME/lookups/ 2>/dev/null

echo -e "Modifying app.conf...\n"
sed -i s/$APP_NAME/$TA_NAME/g /tmp/$TA_NAME/default/app.conf
sed -i "s/is_visible = .*/is_visible = false/g" /tmp/$TA_NAME/default/app.conf
sed -i "s/description = .*/description = TA for $APP_NAME./g" /tmp/$TA_NAME/default/app.conf
sed -i "s/label = .*/label = TA for $APP_NAME./g" /tmp/$TA_NAME/default/app.conf

echo -e "Creating default.meta...\n"
cat >/tmp/$TA_NAME/metadata/default.meta <<EOL
# Application-level permissions
access = read : [ * ], write : [ admin, power ]
export = system

export = system

export = system

export = system

export = system

### VIEWSTATES: even normal users should be able to create shared viewstates
access = read : [ * ], write : [ * ]
export = system

cd /tmp; tar -zcf TA-$APP_NAME.spl $TA_NAME

echo -e "Finished.\n\nPlease check for you file here:  /tmp/$TA_NAME.spl"


Hopefully this helps others save some time by maintaining one application and extracting the necessary data to create the technology add-on.


Huge thanks to Mike McGinnis for testing and feedback.  :-)

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